Digital Camp & Hackathon – December 2022

On December 2nd and 3rd, we also hosted our first Digital Camp in partnership with selected schools as well as our first Developer Hackathon for Digital Incubator teams. Thanks to help from an amazing team of tech and business mentors from Microsoft, Vodafone, Elastacloud, Hub and more, students were able to structure and analyse data, build machine learning models, develop intelligent insights dashboards, and build investor pitches. These proof of concepts are enabling them to move forward with plans to realise their visions.

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the Digital Camp and Connect for Good Ideas Hackathon and to the winning teams from Woodhouse College and St. Marylebone.

These students are developing skills to become the next generation of sustainable business leaders. It’s humbling to see such incredible talent and being able to participate in the growth of students building confidence and joy in the projects they develop.